+St. John Maximovitch

"Never, never, never let anyone tell you that, in order to be Orthodox, you must be Eastern. The West was fully Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable liturgy is far older than any of her heresies." +Saint John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco

You are the inheritors of a precious treasure: the authentic and Orthodox rites that nourished thousands now in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Orthodox Church thanks you for preserving this tradition all these years, so that it could be restored to her through Western Rite Orthodox parishes. +Bishop Basil, Bishop of Wichita and the Midwest of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.

29 December 2013

Services for January 2014



Last Updated 26th January 2014

5th January 2014 ADVENT IV:  9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

7th January 2014 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ACCORDING TO THE FLESH: 10:00 a.m. Terce followed by the Nativity Liturgy of Saint Gregory the Great at Headington Cemetery Chapel, Dunstan Road, Oxford, OX3 9BY.

12th January 2914 SUNDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

14th January 2014 THE CIRCUMCISION OF THE LORD: no service

19th January 2014 THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST:9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

26th January 2014 EPIPHANY I and THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: 10:30 a.m. Terce followed by the Saint Gregory the Great Liturgy at Headington Cemetery ChapelDunstan Road, OXFORD, OX3 9BY.  See Pictures below:

Opening Prayer for Tierce

Rite of Blessing Holy Water

Adding salt to Holy Water

Censing the altar

Singing the Pater Noster

25 November 2013



Last Updated 28th December 2013

1st December 2103 PENTECOST XXIII: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

Saturday 7th December 2013:  10:00 or 10:30 a.m. Father Thomas will celebrate a Western Rite Liturgy at Manton-St-Paul, Pelham Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2ST, please check the starting time here.

8th December 2013 THE LAST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST: CHRIST THE KING: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

15th December 2013 ADVENT I: 10:30 a.m. Terce followed by the Saint Gregory the Great Liturgy at Headington Cemetery Chapel, Dunstan Road, OXFORD, OX3 9BY. (see photographs below)

22nd December 2013 ADVENT II: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

29th December 2013 ADVENT III, Lætare Sunday:  9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

Tierce Sunday 15th December 2013

The Sermon

Reading the post-communion collect

27 October 2013



Last Update 23rd November 2013

3rd November 2013 PENTECOST XIX: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

10th November 2013 PENTECOST XX: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

17th November 2013 PENTECOST XXI: 10:30 a.m. Terce followed by the Saint Gregory the Great Liturgy at Headington Cemetery Chapel, Dunstan Road, OXFORD, OX3 9BY.
Following this Liturgy, we held our Annual General Meeting

24th November 2013 PENTECOST XXII: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

Saturday 30th November 2013: Message received 7th November 2013
Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters!
I am glad to inform you that on 30th November a part of the Holy Life-giving Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ will be brought to the Cathedral of the Diocese of Sourozh for veneration.
With this letter I would like to invite the clergy and laity of your parishes and communities to take part in the meeting of the Holy Relic and a Moleben at 3 pm on that day. Vestments colour will be purple.

With brotherly love in Christ,
+Archbishop Elisey of Souroz

 Diocese of Sourozh, Russian Orthodox Church. 67 Ennismore Gardens, London SW7 1NH

The Liturgy on 17 Nov 2013 with incense!

The Annual General Meeting

29 September 2013



6th October 2013 TRINITY XIV: No Western rite service today but at 10:30 a.m., the usual Antiochian Liturgy at Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, BH14 9JG

13th October 2013 TRINITY XV: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Mattins sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

20th October 2013 PENTECOST XVII: 10:30 a.m. Terce followed by the Saint Gregory the Great Liturgy at Headington Cemetery Chapel, Dunstan Road, OXFORD, OX3 9BY.

27th October 2013 PENTECOST XVIII: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Terce sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

The sanctuary is ready for the Liturgy of Sunday 20th October 2013

Just before departing for home, Sunday 20th October 2013

25 August 2013



Last Update 27th September

1st September 2013 TRINITY IX: 10:00 a.m. Chrismation of Nicholas Harris, who is being received in the Orthodox Church this morning, followed by the Saint Gregory the Great Liturgy at Headington Cemetery Chapel, Dunstan Road, Oxford OX3 9GY: please see the photographs below.

8th September 2013 TRINITY X: No Western Rite service today but at 10:30 a.m., the usual Antiochian Liturgy at Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, BH14 9JG

15th September 2013 TRINITY XI: No Western rite service today but at 10:30 a.m., the usual Antiochian Liturgy at Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, BH14 9JG


Saturday 21 September 2013 Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, the Blessed Virgin Mary 10:30 a.m. Terce followed by the Saint Gregory the Great Liturgy at Headington Cemetery Chapel, Dunstan Road, OXFORD, OX3 9BY.


22nd September 2013 TRINITY XII: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Mattins sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

29th September 2013 TRINITY XIII: 9:30 a.m. Western Rite Mattins sung at the Saint Aldhelm Chapel in Saint Dunstan's Parish Church, Saint Osmond's Road, Poole, BH12 9JG followed at 10:30 by the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

The reception of Nicholas Harris into the Holy Orthodox Church

Headington Chapel, 1st September 2013

Preparing for the service

Saying the Introductory Prayer

Confessing the Orthodox-Catholic Faith

Nicholas receives remission of his sins

The anointing of the brow

The anointing of the nostrils and lips

The anointing of the hands

The anointing of the feet

Welcome to our Congregation, Nicholas!

20 June 2013

Schedule of Services


18th August 2013 TRINITY VII: 10:30 a.m. Terce followed by the Saint Gregory the Great Liturgy at Headington Cemetery Chapel, Dunstan Road, OXFORD, OX3 9BY.

25th August 2013 TRINITY VIII: No Western rite Mattins this morning, nor the Liturgy of the Antiochian Orthodox Church (Father Chrysostom is away).

28th August 2013: Dormition of the All-Holy Theotokos and Blessed Virgin Mary: TBA